Kymbrook Primary School Uniform Policy
We believe that a school uniform is an important aspect of your child’s experience at school. This belief is for a variety of reasons:
- Uniform creates equality.
- Uniform prevents damage to everyday clothes.
- Uniform is affordable and wears well.
- Uniform contributes to sense of team and belonging.
- Uniform fosters a feeling of pride and respect.
We ask all children where our school uniform, we encourage them to maintain a very good standard of clean and tidy dress whilst in school.
Our school colours are burgundy, white and grey.
Second-hand uniform is available from the school office at a reduced price.
All school logo uniform and some plain uniform can be purchased at
Home page | TotalClothingShop.co.uk Other non-logo school uniform can be purchased from the shop of your choice.
If you have any questions regarding uniform ordering please speak to a member of staff in the office, and we will be happy to help.
Our school uniform is as follows:
All year groups
Winter Uniform
- Burgundy V-neck jumper or cardigan
- Formal white cotton shirt/blouse and school tie
- Grey skirt or pinafore dress with white socks or grey tights
- Grey trousers with black or grey socks
- Black shoes or black boots in winter (no trainers)
Summer Uniform
- School dress – burgundy or red
- Grey shorts with white, grey or black socks
- Grey skirt with white socks
- Short sleeved white shirt/blouse *
- Black shoes (No trainers)
- *School tie is optional during the summer term
PE Ready Days
- Navy jogging bottoms – plain & unbranded Navy football style shorts or cycling shorts – plain & unbranded
- Maroon round neck t-shirt
- Maroon school logo sweatshirt
- Plimsolls or trainers
Forest School
- Wellington boots
- Waterproof jacket/coat
- Long trousers/leggings/joggers are required during sessions for safety reasons
- Waterproof trousers (optional)
Hair, jewellery and accessories
- Hairstyles should be appropriate for school and no dyed hair.
- Long hair should be tied back.
- No over-sized hair accessories. (School or neutral colours)
- A watch and only small, plain studs if children have pierced ears. These need to be removed during PE lessons
- No additional jewellery allowed, except for religious jewellery, which will be considered on an individual basis.
- Nail varnish should not be worn in school.
Other items
- A school book bag with logo is available.
- A jacket or coat when needed.
- Sunhat on hot/sunny days.