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Kymbrook Primary School

Kymbrook Primary School

Friday 10th May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

After reading “Wombat goes Walkabout”, the children have been doing research with the purpose of choosing their own animal to write a story about. With the help of books and I-Pads, they have researched not just Australian animals, but animals all over the world!  We discussed a huge variety of animals, (the characters) their habitat (where the characters live), the problem of the story (what happens) and the solution (how the problem is sorted). The children have planned some very individual stories and I look forward to seeing how they turn out next week!

In Maths, the children have completed a unit on Multiplication and Division, a unit on Fractions and are now in the middle of work on Position and Direction.  They have been thinking about left and right, forwards and backwards, whole turns, quarter turns and half turns. 

In P.S.H.C.E. (Personal, Social, and Health and Citizenship Education), the children have been discussing how we need to know safe things to eat and not safe things to it. For example, a drink of milk at home is safe but the cleaning products under the sink are definitely not safe.  The children showed great common sense and knowledge, already, on this subject, but it was great to consolidate and extend this knowledge further.

In our Art, the children persevered with a tricky tracing activity – but their hard work paid off and their line drawings against a watercolour wash background are super.

Enjoy the weekend...the weather forecast is promising.

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