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Kymbrook Primary School

Kymbrook Primary School

Friday 10th May 2024

Welcome back to more exciting Zebras news and our new term.

Our topic this term is Vicious Vikings and Smashing Saxons and we are very excited by this new topic.  We kicked it off with our Sparkling Start watching How to Train Your Dragon which we will also be our class book this term.  As part of this topic, we have designed our own dragons and written a report about them.  We did great work and used our imaginations to think of amazing and interesting facts and information about our dragons.  To finish this piece of work off, we read our dragon reports to Meerkats and Monkeys children who really loved our work. 

We've had another amazing Robotics day this term.  We are getting really good at building and programming using Lego and the computers.

In science, we have been learning about and experimenting with magnets.   We have learnt about south and south or north and north repelling each other and that opposite poles attract.  

We had our summer sports festival at Harrold Primary school this week and it was great fun.  We played one of three sports - some cricket, some rounders and some did tri-golf.  The rounders team did very well, winning almost all their games.  We all had a brilliant time and even got to ride on a double-decker bus to get there.  Louie earned a special certificate for passion in rounders.

We are really looking forward to this term and the weather is even getting warmer.  We have had a few playtimes and lunchtimes back on the school field.  

Join us again soon for more of what we are up to. 


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