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School Day

We are organised into four classes:

Monkeys EYFS (YR)
Meerkats Year 1 & 2 
Zebras Year 3 & 4
Lions Year 5 & 6

Our School Day

8:00 - 8:50am Breakfast Club is available by Kymbrook Pre-School
8:45am From 8:45am members of staff enter the playground to enable parents to drop children off safely into our care. Please park in the Village Hall Car Park and use the crossing provided.
8:50am At 8.50am all the children line up in their class lines to begin their school day.
9:00-10:30 am The children partake in Everyone Reading In Class (E.R.I.C.), phonics, reading, grammar and other English activities.
10:30 - 10:45 am Assemblies - Friday is Celebration Assembly. Children can bring achievements from home to share e.g. swimming certificates and other achievements. We also celebrate pupils of the week, Values children, Forest School certificates and birthdays. This assembly is led by Year 6 children. 
10:45 - 11:00am Play Time
11:00am - 12:00pm Maths lessons and Independent learning for EYFS
12:00 - 1:00pm Lunch Time
1:00 - 3:20pm

We use our Pupil focussed Topics to teach all Foundation Subjects, Science, R.E. and I.C.T.

Our sports coach from Sinclair Sports visit twice a week to teach PE. We have a specialist French teacher who teaches KS2 children on Fridays. On Tuesday we have Forest School.

3:20pm Home Time

Wraparound care is available onsite and is based at the independently run Kymbrook Preschool. Please visit their website for further information and registration forms.



PE: Tuesday & Thursday

Forest School: Tuesday


PE: Tuesday & Thursday

Forest School: Tuesday


PE: Wednesday & Friday

Forest School: Tuesday

French: Friday


PE: Wednesday & Friday

Forest School: Tuesday

French: Friday

Swimming: Tuesday (Summer Term 2)

Piano and Violin Lessons are available on a Monday morning through Bedford Music Cooperative for children in Year 3 and above.