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Friday 11th October 2024

An update from Lion class

This week in maths we have been learning the method for long multiplication. Year 6 already knew it, so it was a refresher for them. Some of us were pretty secure and others found it tricky, but that's ok as it is a new method for us. 

On Wednesday, it was our Harvest Festival. We did a play for the parents and sang some songs. We brought some food in for the Bedford food bank and we know that they were so grateful for our donations. 

On Thursday, we went to Sharnbrook for our sports trip. We were split into 3 sports, some of us did tag rugby, some did dance and some did Quicksticks hockey. It was a good, fun morning. Well done to Gabriel, Evie and Parker for your special 'sports values' certificates. It is great to be noticed by the sports leaders.

We have been doing a piece of science work about the changes that humans go through at different stages in their lifetimes. 

Blog written by Lucas and Gabriel.