If your child does not attend school regularly (over 90%) the Local Authority can take action against you. This can be through a Fixed Penalty Notice (fine) or a summons to appear at Magistrates Court.
What is a Fixed Penalty Notice?
The Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 introduced legislation for Local Authorities to issue Fixed Penalty Notice Fines to parents/carers of pupils who have unauthorised absences from school.
A Penalty Notice fine can be issued for two reasons:
- If a holiday is taken during term time without the permission of the Head Teacher
- If a pupil has unauthorised absence from school and their parent/carer fails to co-operate with school staff and/or other professionals to improve the situation
What are the fines?
£120 per parent/carer reduced to £60 if paid within 21 days. If the £120 is not paid within 28 days a summons can be issued to appear in Magistrates’ Court. The Local Authority can decide whether to issue a summons to Magistrates’ Court instead of a Penalty Notice fine.
There is a link between good school attendance and high level attainment.
Regardless of the reason, if your child is absent from school it will impact on their learning. Parents/carers are legally responsible for ensuring their child attends school on time every day
If your child/ren is sick you must please contact the school preferably by 9am.
Schools are responsible for your child's welfare during the school day and one of our key roles is to know where your child is.
If your child needs to be away from the school during school time e.g. to attend a sporting competition, you will need to complete a 'Leave of Absence' application form (see below).
Leave from school is only authorised in exceptional circumstances, so please ensure you provide as much evidence as you can emphasising your need to remove your child during school time. e.g. appointment letters / letters from employers explaining your own leave restrictions / sporting or drama club letters.
Leave will not be granted during key assessment times - late May / June.